Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hello there. It's been a week. Ok. Let me start. I'll just summarise on what happened after the last time I blogged. I shall start with the alert cadet trip to Gopeng.

The main thing we went there was because of the whitewater rafting. So we stayed at a place called Harvest Haven. Quite a nice place. It has a basketball court, a soccer field and a swimming pool. We stayed in cabins and rooms. Well I'm lazy to blog about more so overall I had a great experience whitewater rafting. Lol.

Then Monday and Tuesday. Scrabble competition in school. I got 1st!! YAY!! Lol. I played the last 3 matches with the same opponent. Which was very boring. Good thing I won 2 out of 3 matches. At that time I was having a horrible headache and a tummy upset. I managed to survive though. Phew. Lol.

On Wednesday I joined the spelling competition in school. Btw it was English week. I advanced through a few rounds after spelling unknown words correctly. Lol. Then I spelled precocious wrongly. Instead I spelled precautious. Well that's the end of it.

On thursday, debate competition. Lol. The motion was It is Better to Study Locally than to Study Overseas. My team was the opposition. I was totally not prepared. Did a lot of impromptu stuff. Screwed up a lil. Lol. We lost but it was a great experience anyway.

Then today (Friday) my school had merentas desa. I jogged a wee lil bit only. Then walked throughout the whole track. After that I watched the finals of the debate competition. It was hillarious. It went out of topic for a few times. The motion was The Ban of Cellphones in School Should be Lifted. The opposition team won. Lol. I guess that's all for now. Byeeee.........


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